Junior and Youth Training
Papercourt Sailing Club is a very active family club with a large number of junior and youth members. Training is geared towards Optimists from about age eight to Toppers, Fevas, ILCA 4/Laser 4.7s and ILCA 6/Laser Radials. We also have an active group of teenagers who sail other boats, in particular RS200s and ILCAs/Lasers.
Some youth members go out on the open meeting circuit and to national championships, and it is great to have Papercourt friends around you when you visit other clubs.
Junior and youth summer training is organised on Saturday mornings from just after Easter until late October. It is aimed at sailors from total beginners (minimum eight years/turning eight years during the year) up to those interested in improving their sailing, including racing skills. It is hoped this will give them the opportunity and skills to equip them to participate on the open racing circuit and to attend national events. Occasional short courses are organised during school holidays depending on demand.
Winter training is arranged for more experienced sailors.
Our aim is to help sailors develop skills and confidence to improve their sailing ability and apply racing tactics; to have fun and learn in a safe environment. Sailing helps children develop self-confidence, independence, an ability to think for themselves, and respect for others. It is of course also a great way to meet and make new friends.
Junior Trainers
Key to the success of our training is the use of junior trainers. These are young experienced club sailors, many of whom have come up through Oppies, and gone onto RYA squads and racing. Our experience tells us that the kids learn much better from our junior trainers as they look up to them and enjoy their cool, laid back approach.
Sailors must be Papercourt members in order to participate. You can join here.
Application for Youth Summer Training 2025. Please complete all parts.
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PLEASE NOTE: A parent or guardian of any child under age 16 must remain on Club premises throughout each session entered, and shall be at all times responsible for the conduct and participation of the sailor in his or her care.
Contact Details
Youth Rep
Vicky Robinson
Click here to email
Last updated 19:58 on 18 February 2025